Note: The artist portal can now be accessed through the Ryddm mobile app.

Upload Music

You can now upload new songs for free from your iOS device. Simply head to your artist profile and select "Add Tracks." Then follow these steps:

  1. Upload a high definition image for your cover art. The image must be a square (1:1).
  2. Enter the song title exactly as you would like to see it (e.g. First Love, The Way You Move).
  3. Attach tags for the genre of your song (e.g. Pop, Hip-hop).
  4. Upload an mp3 file up to 12MB in size.


Manage Payments

From your artist profile screen you can also view your earnings balance, as well as a list of all subscriptions and tips from your fans.

Update Profile Picture

Edit your profile directly from the profile screen by clicking the edit profile icon.

Gain Fans

Use your personal Ryddm link to invite your friends and fans via SMS and social media.